Letter, 1867, April 28, Amherst, Mass., to Mr. Warner.
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Stearns, William A. (William Augustus), 1805-1876
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w63r1cjf (person)
Stearns, clergyman and educator, was born in 1805 in Bedford, Mass. He was the son of a minister, Samuel Stearns, and one of eleven children. He was educated at Phillips Academy Andover, Harvard College, and Andover Theological Seminary. His first post as minister was at Cambridgeport, Mass. at the age of twenty-six; he was so successful that he stayed there from 1831 until 1854. In 1854, Stearns was called to be the fourth president of Amherst College, where he served until his death in 1876. H...
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